
Collaboration between organizations in quantum computing -By John Prisco

1 min
min. reading time

A cryptosystem is considered secure from an information-theoretic point of view when it is immune to attacks from adversaries with unlimited computational resources and time.”

John Prisco highlights the importance of collaboration between public, private and academic entities to advance quantum security technologies. One of the main focuses is to focus efforts on solving challenges related to quantum key distribution (QKD), which provides high-level security through quantum mechanics. 

Robust QKD authentication solutions are being developed to solve some of these problems. These solutions aim to ensure information-theoretic security, which protects against attacks even with unlimited resources.

Despite the theoretical security provided by QKD, there are practical implementation challenges, such as potential future attacks and the need for new infrastructure, similar to the early days of the Internet. The NSA's preference for QKD is based on its cost-effectiveness and ease of maintenance. However, Prisco advocates further exploration and deployment of QKD, highlighting its current use in Europe, Japan and Canada, and its potential to protect critical infrastructures such as the energy grid.

John Prisco advocates that NIST and the NSA to support QKD research and development, highlighting the significant security benefits it could offer in a quantum computing era.

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